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Recording Studio

Recording & Composition Lessons

Recording Lessons

Learn how to record and produce music on a digital audio work station (DAWS), how to make a beat, mix a song, and create music with multitrack recording software. 

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Composition Lessons

Learn how to put music to the words in your heart! Make your songs come alive! Each week you will learn how the language of music works while developing your own personal music style. Lessons include ear training, learning to write down chords and melodies, how to analyze the structure of musical pieces and gain solid understanding of music fundamentals.


Never Miss a Lesson!

If a student is ever unable to attend a lesson for any reason they can choose between taking an online lesson via Google Meet for the day (or for multiple days) or requesting a recorded lesson to take at the students convenience.  

​Recording & Composition Lessons
are offered in addition to your monthly lessons and can be taken separately or as a combo lesson.


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